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Bald is Beautiful, don't get it Twisted.

Writer's picture: Bald ShazzaBald Shazza

Hair or the lack of it can be a very controversial topic in a domesticated society like ours, but the point remains that women need to love themselves first before anything else.

A society with so many years of domestication (learning beliefs, and norms that are not even true) can choke up its people and make them forget to be themselves, love others the way they are, appreciate themselves, and live their lives without masks on.

Why shave your hair?

Because I don't like having it, simple. I love my entire body hairless, head to toe.

I'm not afraid of tapping into my feminine energy and just being myself even without the hair.

I don't have the need to get approval from anyone around me, even the male gaze.

To me being bald is like loving my naked self, loving the shape of my head just the way it is.

I didn't even realize that I had very pretty cheekbones until I shaved all my hair.

I laid bare my face for all to see and appreciate, I was not afraid of the way I look because I deeply love myself.

I used to have long beautiful hair but I soon realized I can get rid of it and still maintain my beauty as a woman. I started experimenting by shaving the sides of my head until I finally had the big chop.

Why was I ever convinced that I needed long hair to be beautiful?

Where did all these ideas come from? Who wrote these rules?

Can you imagine if everyone on earth looked alike, had the same hair texture, dressed in the same manner, and ate the same food? The world would lack thrill, diversity, and oomph. What a boring place it would be!

To reach consciousness, to Love yourself Naked.

To shave your hair and really love your entire being as a woman is like reaching consciousness. You see yourself clearly, and you notice that you are powerful.

This is not for the women that haven't really learned to love themselves or explored their femininity.

It is for those that have learned to love themselves naked, without any covering.

Those that can look themselves in the mirror and appreciate what they see, not what they've been told.

Being bald is being your raw self, you don't get the need to hide behind anything, not even hair.

All your physical features are brought in the open, they can be seen, admired, loved, and appreciated.

How many women literally go completely naked in the mirror and love what they see? Very few. That's why it becomes hard for some women to even receive love.

You don't love yourself enough to let someone else love you. It is never the way you look.

Your Femininity as a woman doesn't disappear when you shave your hair.

My femininity doesn't magically disappear when I shave my head.

I'm still the same gentle lover, the same motherly figure, the same sexy woman, the same affectionate and empathetic person, I'm still in tune with my intuition, and I dress well. Hair has nothing to do with it!

Break out of Domestication, You are Beautiful, There are no Rules!

We found ourselves in a world that had already formed its own rules, rules about absolutely everything! Rules on how to live, how to interact with the opposite gender, how to look, how to dress, how to govern, and what to eat. Everything has rules!

Who said these rules are right? Who decided that someone else is beautiful while another is not?

That's all bullshit!

Breaking out of domestication means killing all the beliefs you have nurtured in your mind about absolutely anything and everything.

Learn to love, to love yourself and others. To live without the fear of other people's opinions and break free from judgment.

I love the Gen Z woman. The rebel, the woman trying to be reborn. This woman is brave enough to break out of domestication. This woman loves herself without the need for approval.

This woman is a powerful woman.


1 Comment

Ronnie Brown
Ronnie Brown
Aug 18, 2022

You beautiful queen love your show YouTube channel watch you do good job your YouTube channel 💙 ❤ 👏 keep your hands up sister you be blessed 🙌 you God bless all your people 🙏

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